ERCM can convert all burnable wastes
into value added ceramic-like ash material !
ERCM can minimize the pollutant emission associated with waste treatment.
ERCM can minimize the capital, running and maintenance costs.
ERCM can treat wastes speedily without troublesome pretreatment such as
segregation. ERCM can convert wastes into recyclable
ERCM has innovationally advanced the waste management technology.
ERCM is the machine which can produce eco-friendly ceramic-like material from burnable wastes.
ERCM has been developed for effective waste treatment in many factories,
municipalities and waste management facilities.
Operation of the first commercial plant (ERCM 15 Type) started in the waste management center of Kashima city, Ibaraki
ERCM was accepted in the decontamination demonstration
project (2012) organized by Ministry of Environment.
ERCM demonstrated high concentration performance of
radioactive wastes and was highly evaluated by Ministry of Environment.
Official sales and technology licensing contract was concluded with a major
waste management company in Brazil.
1879-386 Nagasu, Kashima-city, IBARAKI, 314-0022 Japan